# https://taskfile.dev #Called by the vnbuild system to produce builds for my website #https://www.vaughnnugent.com/resources/software #This taskfile is called in this directory and is specific to the vnlib_monocypher project #that handles the MSBuild outside of the solution file version: '3' vars: MS_ARGS: '/p:Platform=x64 /p:RunAnalyzersDuringBuild=false /p:BuildInParallel=true /p:MultiProcessorCompilation=true' PROJECT_NAME: 'vnlib_monocypher' MODULE_NAME: 'vnlib.core' BUILD_DIR: 'build/{{ OS }}' BUILD_TYPE: '{{ .BUILD_TYPE | default "Release" }}' tasks: default: desc: "Builds the entire project from source code without using the VNBuild build system for target machines" cmds: #build with defaults - task: build - cmd: echo "Your {{ .PROJECT_NAME }} dll file can be found in '{{ .USER_WORKING_DIR }}/{{ .BUILD_DIR }}'" silent: true build: cmds: - cmd: echo Building {{ .PROJECT_NAME }} in {{ .BUILD_TYPE }} mode silent: true - cmake {{ .CLI_ARGS }} -B./{{ .BUILD_DIR }} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={{ .BUILD_TYPE }} #compile - cmd: cmake --build {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/ --config Debug platforms: [ windows ] #debug builds only work on Windows - cmake --build {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/ --config Release postbuild_success: vars: #required files to include in tar TAR_FILES: "license.txt readme.txt" cmds: #make bin dir - cmd: powershell -Command "New-Item -Type Directory -Force -Path './bin'" ignore_error: true #get licenses for debug - task: licenses vars: TARGET: '{{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Debug' - task: licenses vars: TARGET: './{{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Release' #static debug lib - cd {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Debug && tar -czf '../../bin/msvc-x64-debug-{{.PROJECT_NAME}}-static.tgz' {{.PROJECT_NAME}}_static.lib {{.TAR_FILES}} {{.PROJECT_NAME}}_static.pdb #dynamic debug lib - cd {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Debug && tar -czf '../../bin/msvc-x64-debug-{{.PROJECT_NAME}}.tgz' {{.PROJECT_NAME}}.dll {{.TAR_FILES}} {{.PROJECT_NAME}}.pdb #release static lib - cd {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Release && tar -czf '../../bin/msvc-x64-release-{{.PROJECT_NAME}}-static.tgz' {{.PROJECT_NAME}}_static.lib {{.TAR_FILES}} #release dll - cd {{ .BUILD_DIR }}/Release && tar -czf '../../bin/msvc-x64-release-{{.PROJECT_NAME}}.tgz' {{.PROJECT_NAME}}.dll {{.TAR_FILES}} #source code - task: pack_source licenses: cmds: #add monocypher license to binary output (wrong on purpose see source code) - powershell -Command "Copy-Item -Path vendor/LICENCE.md -Destination '{{.TARGET}}/license.md'" #add my license file - powershell -Command "Copy-Item -Path license -Destination '{{.TARGET}}/license.txt'" #add readme file - powershell -Command "Copy-Item -Path build.readme.txt -Destination '{{.TARGET}}/readme.txt'" pack_source: dir: '{{.USER_WORKING_DIR}}' cmds: #pack monocypher source code and create the archive - powershell -Command "tar --exclude build/* --exclude bin/* --exclude .git/* -czf 'bin/src.tgz' ." dev-init: desc: 'Configures the project for local development' cmds: - task: build vars: { BUILD_TYPE: Debug } - cmd: echo "dev init complete" silent: true clean: ignore_error: true cmds: - for: [ bin/, build/ ] cmd: powershell rm -Recurse -Force '{{ .ITEM }}'