
A high performance, reference .NET 8 web server built with VNLib.Core and Essentials web framework for building fast, plugin-driven web/http services.

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## Short Intro VNLib.Webserver is a runtime host for http or "web" bassed server applications. As a standalone application, it can only do basic http file processing via virtual hosts similar to nginx and appache, but when plugins are configured, it becomes a highly versitlile dynamic server application. VNLib.WebServer inclues only the bare minimum binaries for any application, and is infinitly expandable using dynamic assembly loading. ### Some features - HTTP 0.9-1.1 support with granular control over http and tcp settings - Virtual Hosts: many-to-many hostname-transport configuration (similar to nginx) - Strong TLS support using .NET SslStream library - Static file processing - JSON and Yaml coniguration language support - CORS resource support and protections - Per-host error file caching (ex: 403, 404) - IP based whitelist and blacklist - File protection by extension - File path probing/autocomplete (ex: / -> /index.html or / -> custom_file.ext) - Primitive file http cache control - Optional console command listener for issuing control commands - HTTP compression with external library and Brotli as a built-in fallback - HTTP range support for files ## License The software in this repository is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (or any later version). See the LICENSE files for more information. ## Donations If you like this project and want to support it or motivate me for faster development, please see the parent project's [README](../../#).