#Copyright (c) Vaughn Nugent #Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 version: '3.6' services: simple-bookmark: image: vnuge/simple-bookmark container_name: simple-bookmark restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./data:/app/data - ./assets:/app/usr/assets:ro #uncomment to use your own ssl certs, otherwise a build-time cert will be used #- ./ssl/cert.pem:/app/ssl/cert.pem:ro #- ./ssl/key.pem:/app/ssl/key.pem:ro ports: - 8080:8080 environment: MAX_BOOKMARKS: "5000" REG_TOKEN_DURATION_MIN: "360" #6 hours MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: 5120000 #5MB max upload size MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPS: "10" #max login attempts before user account is locked out #SQL Config SQL_LIB_PATH: "VNLib.Plugins.Extensions.Sql.SQLite.dll" SQL_CONNECTION_STRING: "Data Source=data/simple-bookmark.db;" #HC Vault client config #HC_VAULT_ADDR: "" #HC_VAULT_TOKEN: "" #HC_VAULT_TRUST_CERT: "false" #VNCACHE (default to memory only) CACHE_ASM_PATH: "VNLib.Data.Caching.Providers.VNCache.dll" MEMCACHE_ONLY: "true" REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING: "" #at least one node required if MEMCACHE_ONLY is false VNCACHE_INITIAL_NODES: "[]" #SECRETS # All secrets may be a raw value, read from a file, # an environment variable, or a vault path # file://mysecret.txt reads the secret from a file (case sensitive) # env://MY_SECRET reads the secret from an environment variable (case sensitive) # vault://kv/data/secret?secret=value reads the value of the mysecret key in the secret/data path PASSWORD_PEPPER: "" #Must be a base64 encoded value, of realtivley any size DATABASE_PASSWORD: "" #overrides the 'Password' field in the SQL connection string REDIS_PASSWORD: "" #only required if using a password protected redis server #if MEMCACHE_ONLY is false, then the following keys are required to connect to a VNCACHE cluster VNCACHE_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY: "" VNCACHE_CACHE_PUBLIC_KEY: "" #HTTP HTTP_DOWNSTREAM_SERVERS: '[]' #a comma separated list of downstream (proxy) server ip addresses HTTP_TRACE_ON: "false" #enable http trace logging, requires you to set --debug to SERVER_ARGS variable below #Very Verbose plugin logging, required --debug CLI flag, prints literally everything to the logger (it's annoying) DEBUG_PLUGINS: "false" SERVER_ARGS: "--setup" #remove the setup flag after you are done setting up the server