path: root/ci/container/config-templates/config-template.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/container/config-templates/config-template.json')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/ci/container/config-templates/config-template.json b/ci/container/config-templates/config-template.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bd0ddb..0000000
--- a/ci/container/config-templates/config-template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- //Host application config, config is loaded as a read-only DOM that is available
- //to the host and loaded child plugins, all elements are available to plugins via the 'HostConfig' property
- "http": {
- //The defaut HTTP version to being requests with (does not support http/2 yet)
- "default_version": "HTTP/1.1",
- //The maxium size (in bytes) of response messges that will be compressed
- "compression_limit": 512000,
- //Minium response size (in bytes) to compress
- "compression_minimum": 2048,
- //The size of the buffer to use when parsing multipart/form data uploads
- "multipart_max_buf_size": 8192,
- //The maxium ammount of data (in bytes) allows for mulitpart/form data file uploads
- "multipart_max_size": 80240,
- //Absolute maximum size (in bytes) of the request entity body (exludes headers)
- "max_entity_size": 1024000,
- //Keepalive ms for HTTP1.1 keepalive connections
- "keepalive_ms": 1000000,
- //The buffer size to use when parsing headers (also the maxium request header size allowed)
- "header_buf_size": 8128,
- //The maxium number of headers allowed in an HTTP request message
- "max_request_header_count": 50,
- //The maxium number of allowed network connections, before 503s will be issued automatically and connections closed
- "max_connections": 5000,
- //The size in bytes of the buffer to use when writing response messages
- "response_buf_size": 4096,
- //time (in ms) to wait for a response from an active connection in recv mode, before dropping it
- "recv_timeout_ms": 5000,
- //Time in ms to wait for the client to accept transport data before terminating the connection
- "send_timeout_ms": 60000,
- //The size (in bytes) of the buffer used to store all response header data
- "response_header_buf_size": 16384,
- //Max number of file uploads allowed per request
- "max_uploads_per_request": 10
- },
- //Compression is installed in the container at lib/ directory along with the native library supporting gzip and brotli
- "compression_lib": "lib/vnlib.net.compression/VNLib.Net.Compression.dll",
- //Setup the native lib
- "vnlib.net.compression": {
- "lib_path": "lib/libvn_compress.so",
- "level": 1
- },
- //Maxium ammount of time a request is allowed to be processed (includes loading or waiting for sessions) before operations will be cancelled and a 503 returned
- "max_execution_time_ms": 20000,
- //Collection of objects to define hosts+interfaces to build server listeners from
- "virtual_hosts": [
- {
- "trace": ${HTTP_TRACE_ON},
- //The interface to bind to, you may not mix TLS and non-TLS connections on the same interface
- "interface": {
- "address": "",
- "port": 8080
- },
- //Collection of "trusted" servers to allow proxy header support from
- "downstream_servers": ${HTTP_DOWNSTREAM_SERVERS},
- //The hostname to listen for, "*" as wildcard, and "[system]" as the default hostname for the current machine
- "hostname": "*",
- "path": "dist/",
- //A list of file extensions to deny access to, if a resource is requested and has one of the following extensions, a 404 is returned
- "deny_extensions": [ ".ts", ".json", ".htaccess", ".php" ],
- //The default file extensions to append to a resource that does not have a file extension
- "default_files": [ "index.html", "index.htm" ],
- //A list of error file objects, files are loaded into memory (and watched for changes) and returned when the specified error code occurs
- "error_files": [],
- //The default
- "cache_default_sec": 864000,
- "ssl": ${SSL_JSON},
- }
- ],
- //Defines the directory where plugin's are to be loaded from
- "plugins": {
- //Hot-reload creates collectable assemblies that allow full re-load support in the host application, should only be used for development purposes!
- "hot_reload": false,
- "path": "plugins/",
- "config_dir": "config/",
- "assets": "plugins/assets/"
- },
- "sys_log": {
- "path": "data/logs/sys-log.txt",
- "flush_sec": 5,
- "retained_files": 31,
- "file_size_limit": 10485760,
- "interval": "infinite"
- },
- "app_log": {
- "path": "data/logs/app-log.txt",
- "flush_sec": 5,
- "retained_files": 31,
- "file_size_limit": 10485760,
- "interval": "infinite"
- },
- "hashicorp_vault": {
- "url": "${HC_VAULT_ADDR}",
- "token": "${HC_VAULT_TOKEN}",
- "trust_certificate": ${HC_VAULT_TRUST_CERT},
- },
- "sql": {
- "provider": "${SQL_LIB_PATH}",
- "connection_string": "${SQL_CONNECTION_STRING}"
- },
- //VNCACHE global config
- //Enable vncache as the providers above rely on the object caching server
- "cache": {
- "assembly_name": "${CACHE_ASM_PATH}",
- //Max size (in bytes) of allowed data to be stored in each user's session object
- "max_object_size": 8128,
- //Request timeout
- "request_timeout_sec": 10,
- //Time delay between cluster node discovery
- "discovery_interval_sec": 120,
- //Initial nodes to discover from
- "initial_nodes": ${VNCACHE_INITIAL_NODES},
- //Disable TLS
- "use_tls": false,
- //Setting this value to true will cause the cache store to load a memory-only instance, without remote backing
- "memory_only": ${MEMCACHE_ONLY},
- //enable memory cache
- "memory_cache": {
- "buckets": 20,
- "bucket_size": 5000,
- "max_age_sec": 600,
- "refresh_interval_sec": 60,
- "zero_all": false,
- "max_object_size": 8128
- }
- },
- "secrets": {
- //Special key used by the loading library for access to the PasswordHashing library to pepper password hashes
- "passwords": "${PASSWORD_PEPPER}",
- "db_password": "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}",
- "client_private_key": "${VNCACHE_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY}",
- "cache_public_key": "${VNCACHE_CACHE_PUBLIC_KEY}",
- "redis_password": "${REDIS_PASSWORD}"
- }