import { find, isEqual } from "lodash-es"; import { get } from "@vueuse/core"; import { MaybeRef } from "vue"; import Cookies from "universal-cookie"; import { useUser } from "../user"; import { useAxios } from "../axios"; import { useSession, type ITokenResponse } from "../session"; import { type WebMessage } from "../types"; import { type AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios"; export type SocialServerSetQuery = 'invalid' | 'expired' | 'authorized'; export interface OAuthMethod{ /** * Gets the url to the login endpoint for this method */ readonly Id: string /** * The endpoint to submit the authentication request to */ loginUrl(): string /** * Called when the login to this method was successful */ onSuccessfulLogin?:() => void /** * Called when the logout to this method was successful */ onSuccessfulLogout?:(responseData: unknown) => void /** * Gets the data to send to the logout endpoint, if this method * is undefined, then the logout will be handled by the normal user logout */ getLogoutData?: () => { readonly url: string; readonly args: unknown } } export interface SocialLoginApi{ /** * The collection of registred authentication methods */ readonly methods: T[] /** * Begins an OAuth2 social web authentication flow against the server * handling encryption and redirection of the browser * @param method The desired method to use for login */ beginLoginFlow(method: T): Promise; /** * Completes a login flow if authorized, otherwise throws an error * with the message from the server * @returns A promise that resolves when the login is complete */ completeLogin(): Promise; /** * Logs out of the current session * @returns A promise that resolves to true if the logout could be handled by * the current method, otherwise false */ logout(): Promise; /** * Gets the active method for the current session if the * user is logged in using a social login method that is defined * in the methods collection */ getActiveMethod(): T | undefined; } /** * Creates a new social login api for the given methods */ export const useSocialOauthLogin = (methods: T[], axiosConfig?: Partial): SocialLoginApi =>{ const cookieName = 'active-social-login'; const { loggedIn, KeyStore } = useSession(); const { prepareLogin, logout:userLogout } = useUser(); const axios = useAxios(axiosConfig); //A cookie will hold the status of the current login method const c = new Cookies(null, { path: '/', sameSite: 'strict', httpOnly:false }); const getNonceQuery = () => new URLSearchParams('nonce'); const getResultQuery = () => new URLSearchParams('result'); const selectMethodForCurrentUrl = () => find(methods, method => { const loginUrl = method.loginUrl(); //Check for absolute url, then check if the path is the same if(loginUrl.startsWith('http')){ const asUrl = new URL(loginUrl); return isEqual(asUrl.pathname, window.location.pathname); } //Relative url return isEqual(loginUrl, window.location.pathname); }) const getActiveMethod = (): T | undefined => { const methodName = c.get(cookieName) return find(methods, method => isEqual(method.Id, methodName)) } const beginLoginFlow = async (method: T): Promise => { //Prepare the login claim` const claim = await prepareLogin() const { data } = await axios.put>(method.loginUrl(), claim) const encDat = data.getResultOrThrow() // Decrypt the result which should be a redirect url const result = await KeyStore.decryptDataAsync(encDat) // get utf8 text const text = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(result) // Recover url const redirect = new URL(text) // Force https redirect.protocol = 'https:' // redirect to the url window.location.href = redirect.href } const completeLogin = async () => { //Get auth result from query params const result = getResultQuery(); switch(result){ case 'invalid': throw new Error('The request was invalid, and you could not be logged in. Please try again.'); case 'expired': throw new Error('The request has expired. Please try again.'); //Continue with login case 'authorized': break; default: throw new Error('There was an error processing the login request. Please try again.') } const method = selectMethodForCurrentUrl(); if(!method){ throw new Error('The current url is not a valid social login url'); } //Recover the nonce from query params const nonce = getNonceQuery(); if(!nonce){ throw new Error('The current session has not been initialized for social login'); } //Prepare the session for a new login const login = await prepareLogin(); //Send a post request to the endpoint to complete the login and pass the nonce argument const { data } = await, { ...login, nonce }) //Verify result data.getResultOrThrow() //Complete login authorization await login.finalize(data); //Signal the method that the login was successful if(method.onSuccessfulLogin){ method.onSuccessfulLogin(); } //Set the cookie to the method id c.set(cookieName, method.Id); } const logout = async (): Promise => { if(!get(loggedIn)){ return false; } //see if any methods are active const method = getActiveMethod(); if(!method){ return false; } /** * If no logout data method is defined, then the logout * is handled by a normal account logout */ if(!method.getLogoutData){ //Normal user logout const result = await userLogout(); if(method.onSuccessfulLogout){ method.onSuccessfulLogout(result); } return true; } const { url, args } = method.getLogoutData(); //Exec logout post request against the url const { data } = await, args); //clear cookie on success c.remove(cookieName); //Signal the method that the logout was successful if (method.onSuccessfulLogout) { method.onSuccessfulLogout(data); } return true; } return{ beginLoginFlow, completeLogin, getActiveMethod, logout, methods } } /** * Creates a new simple social OAuth method used for login * @example * const google = createSocialMethod('google', '') * const facebook = createSocialMethod('facebook', '') */ export const createSocialMethod = (id: string, path: MaybeRef): OAuthMethod => { return{ Id: id, loginUrl: () => get(path), } }