# @vnuge/nvault-extension This template should help get you started developing a vue web extension in Vite. ## Usage Notes The extension manifest is defined in `src/manifest.js` and used by `@samrum/vite-plugin-web-extension` in the vite config. Background, content scripts, options, and popup entry points exist in the `src/entries` directory. Content scripts are rendered by `src/entries/contentScript/renderContent.js` which renders content within a ShadowRoot and handles style injection for HMR and build modes. Otherwise, the project functions just like a regular Vite project. To switch between Manifest V2 and Manifest V3 builds, use the MANIFEST_VERSION environment variable defined in `.env` HMR during development in Manifest V3 requires Chromium version >= 110.0.5480.0. Refer to [@samrum/vite-plugin-web-extension](https://github.com/samrum/vite-plugin-web-extension) for more usage notes. ## Customize configuration See [Vite Configuration Reference](https://vitejs.dev/config/). ## Project Setup ```sh npm install ``` ## Commands ### Build #### Development, HMR Hot Module Reloading is used to load changes inline without requiring extension rebuilds and extension/page reloads Currently only works in Chromium based browsers. ```sh npm run dev ``` #### Development, Watch Rebuilds extension on file changes. Requires a reload of the extension (and page reload if using content scripts) ```sh npm run watch ``` #### Production Minifies and optimizes extension build ```sh npm run build ``` ### Load extension in browser Loads the contents of the dist directory into the specified browser ```sh npm run serve:chrome ``` ```sh npm run serve:firefox ```