# Copyright (c) 2024 Vaughn Nugent # See the LICENSE in this directory for terms of use # # This file configures noscrypt with best defaults as possible while offering # some freedom in terms of crypto libraries if desired. Some defaults and # worst case fallback functions are defined and will get better as time goes on # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.10) project( noscrypt LANGUAGES C DESCRIPTION "A compact, C90 cross-platform, cryptography library built specifically for nostr" HOMEPAGE_URL "https://www.vaughnnugent.com/resources/software/modules/noscrypt" ) set(_NC_PROJ_NAME "noscrypt") option(NC_BUILD_TESTS "Build tests" OFF) option(NC_ENABLE_UTILS "Enables the sidecar utility library" OFF) option(NC_DISABLE_INPUT_VALIDATION "Disables public function input validation" OFF) option(NC_FETCH_MBEDTLS "Fetch Mbed-TLS from it's source repository locally" OFF) option(NC_FETCH_SECP256K1 "Fetch and locally build secp256k1 source code" ON) option(NC_INCLUDE_MONOCYPHER "Statically link to vendored monocypher library" ON) set(CRYPTO_LIB "" CACHE STRING "The crypto library to link to (mbedtls, openssl, bcrypt)") set(CRYPTO_LIB_DIR "" CACHE STRING "The path to the crypto library if it's not globally available") set(SECP256K1_LIB_DIR "" CACHE STRING "An optional path to search for the secp256k1 library if not globally installed") string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} build_type) #list of noscrypt project defitnions set(NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS "") include(FetchContent) if(NC_FETCH_SECP256K1) #Fetch libsecp256k1, and build a minimal static library set(SECP256K1_BUILD_BENCHMARK OFF) set(SECP256K1_BUILD_TESTS OFF) set(SECP256K1_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF) set(SECP256K1_BUILD_EXHAUSTIVE_TESTS OFF) set(SECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_ECDH ON) set(SECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_RECOVERY OFF) set(SECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_SCHNORRSIG ON) set(SECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_EXTRAKEYS ON) set(SECP256K1_ENABLE_MODULE_ELLSWIFT OFF) set(SECP256K1_INSTALL OFF) set(SECP256K1_DISABLE_SHARED ON) #disales shared library output FetchContent_Declare( libsecp256k1 GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1 GIT_TAG e3a885d42a7800c1ccebad94ad1e2b82c4df5c65 # release-0.5.0 GIT_PROGRESS TRUE ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(libsecp256k1) #Must force FPIC when using secp256k1, ld linker complains otherwise set_target_properties( secp256k1 secp256k1_precomputed PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON ) else() #search for an existing library, it's a required dependency find_library(secp256k1 NAMES secp256k1 libsecp256k1 PATHS ${SECP256K1_LIB_DIR} REQUIRED ) endif() #----------------------------- # MAIN PROJECT #----------------------------- set(NOSCRYPT_SRCS "src/noscrypt.c" "src/hkdf.c" "src/nc-crypto.c" #pulls in c impl files as needed ) set(NOSCRYPT_HEADERS "include/noscrypt.h" "include/platform.h" "src/nc-util.h" "src/hkdf.h" "src/nc-crypto.h" ) #if utils are enabled, add the source files if(NC_ENABLE_UTILS) list(APPEND NOSCRYPT_SRCS "src/noscryptutil.c") list(APPEND NOSCRYPT_HEADERS "include/noscryptutil.h") #notify the project that utils are enabled list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS NC_ENABLE_UTILS) message(STATUS "Utilities libraries are enabled") endif() #static/shared library add_library(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} SHARED ${NOSCRYPT_SRCS} ${NOSCRYPT_HEADERS}) add_library(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static STATIC ${NOSCRYPT_SRCS} ${NOSCRYPT_HEADERS}) set_target_properties(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) #fPIC for shared library #set specific cmake commands to target our projects only set_target_properties( ${_NC_PROJ_NAME} ${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static #Setup the compiler options for c90 standard PROPERTIES C_STANDARD 90 C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON C_EXTENSIONS ON #enables c++ style comments (only required for mbedtls stuff) ) target_compile_features(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE c_std_90) #force compiler to use c90 standard for library target_compile_features(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE c_std_90) #force compiler to use c90 standard for library target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE include) target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE include) #link libsecp256k1 target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE secp256k1) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE secp256k1) #include secp256k1 headers target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/secp256k1/include) target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/secp256k1/include) ############################################# # # Configure crypto library linking # ############################################# #Include mbedtls if enabled if(NC_FETCH_MBEDTLS) ############### # NOTE: Must disable shared libraries to avoid linking errors when using mbedtls ############### set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) set(ENABLE_PROGRAMS OFF) set(ENABLE_TESTING OFF) set(USE_SHARED_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY OFF) set(USE_STATIC_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY ON) set(DISABLE_PACKAGE_CONFIG_AND_INSTALL OFF) set(MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vendor/mbedtls/mbedtls_noscrypt_config.h" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) FetchContent_Declare( libmbedtls GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls.git GIT_TAG v3.6.0 GIT_PROGRESS TRUE ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(libmbedtls) set(CRYPTO_LIB "mbedtls") #enable linking to mbedtls endif() #try to load openssl quietly in order to check for its availability find_package(OpenSSL QUIET) #setup default linking to crypto libraries for certain plaftorms. #Windows defaults to bcrypt, openssl otherwise if installed if(CRYPTO_LIB STREQUAL "") if(MSVC) set(CRYPTO_LIB "bcrypt") elseif(OPENSSL_FOUND) set(CRYPTO_LIB "openssl") endif() message(STATUS "No crypto library was specified, defaulting to ${CRYPTO_LIB}") endif() #if mbedtls linking is enabled target the library if(CRYPTO_LIB STREQUAL "mbedtls") message(STATUS "Linking to MbedTLS crypto library") #include mbedtls headers target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/mbedtls/include) target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/mbedtls/include) if(NC_FETCH_MBEDTLS) #link to included mbedtls target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE mbedcrypto PRIVATE mbedtls) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE mbedcrypto PRIVATE mbedtls) else() #find the library find_library(MBEDTLS_LIB_CRYPTO NAMES mbedcrypto libmbedcrypto PATHS ${CRYPTO_LIB_DIR} ) find_library(MBEDTLS_LIB_TLS NAMES mbedtls libmbedtls PATHS ${CRYPTO_LIB_DIR} ) message(STATUS "Found mbedtls crypto library at ${MBEDTLS_LIB_CRYPTO}") message(STATUS "Found mbedtls tls library at ${MBEDTLS_LIB_TLS}") #link to the library target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE ${MBEDTLS_LIB_CRYPTO} PRIVATE ${MBEDTLS_LIB_TLS}) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE ${MBEDTLS_LIB_CRYPTO} PRIVATE ${MBEDTLS_LIB_TLS}) endif() #enable mbedtls crypto library bindings list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS MBEDTLS_CRYPTO_LIB) elseif(CRYPTO_LIB STREQUAL "openssl") set(OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) #include openssl headers target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/openssl/include) target_include_directories(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/openssl/include) #link to openssl message(STATUS "Linking to OpenSSL crypto library") target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE OpenSSL::Crypto) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE OpenSSL::Crypto) #enable openssl crypto library bindings list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIB) elseif(CRYPTO_LIB STREQUAL "bcrypt") if(MSVC) #link bcrypt for Windows platforms target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE "bcrypt.lib") target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE "bcrypt.lib") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Bcrypt is only supported on Windows platforms") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "You must select a supported cryptography library: openssl, mbedtls, or bcrypt (Windows only)") endif() add_compile_definitions($<$:DEBUG>) add_compile_definitions(NOSCRYPT_EXPORTING) #enable exporting symbols if(NC_DISABLE_INPUT_VALIDATION) list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS NC_INPUT_VALIDATION_OFF) endif() set(_NC_COMPILE_OPTS) #setup flags for windows compilation if(MSVC) list(APPEND _NC_COMPILE_OPTS /sdl #enable additional security checks /TC #compile as c /GS #buffer security check $<$:/FC> #show full path in diagnostics $<$:/showIncludes> #show a list of all included header files during build $<$:/wd4820> #disable warnings for struct padding and spectre mitigation wuen WX is enabled $<$:/wd5045> #disable warnings for spectre mitigation insertion #for debug configs $<$:/options:strict> $<$:/Wall> #enable all warnings $<$:/WX> #warnings as errors (only for our project) $<$:/Zi> #enable rich debug info $<$:/Zo> ) #set build macros list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS $<$:DEBUG> $<$:RELEASE> ) #configure gcc flags elseif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) list(APPEND _NC_COMPILE_OPTS -Wextra -fstack-protector ) #if debug build enable additional debug flags if(build_type STREQUAL "debug") list(APPEND _NC_COMPILE_OPTS -g -Og -Wall -Werror -pedantic ) endif() endif() target_compile_options(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE ${_NC_COMPILE_OPTS}) target_compile_options(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE ${_NC_COMPILE_OPTS}) ############################################# # # Build/link monocypher # ############################################# # Monocypher only provides a few fallback functions # for builds that don't use a more complete library # implementation. Specifically cha-cha20 and secure # erase functions. if(NC_INCLUDE_MONOCYPHER) #add monocypher as a static dep to the project add_library(monocypher STATIC "vendor/monocypher/monocypher.c" "vendor/monocypher/monocypher.h" ) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE monocypher) target_link_libraries(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE monocypher) #share mc header with project target_include_directories(monocypher SYSTEM PUBLIC vendor/monocypher) target_compile_features(monocypher PRIVATE c_std_99) #targets c99 if(MSVC) target_compile_options(monocypher PRIVATE /sdl #enable additional security checks /TC #compile as c /GS #buffer security check ) #enable monocypher crypto library bindings list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS NC_ENABLE_MONOCYPHER) elseif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) #from monocypher's Makefile target_compile_options(monocypher PRIVATE -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -O3 -march=native) #enable monocypher crypto library bindings list(APPEND NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS NC_ENABLE_MONOCYPHER) else() message(WARNING "Monocypher is not supported on this platform") endif() endif() #Set NC variables to both projects target_compile_definitions(${_NC_PROJ_NAME} PRIVATE ${NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS}) target_compile_definitions(${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static PRIVATE ${NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS}) ############################ # # TESTS # ########################### if(NC_BUILD_TESTS) #add test executable and link to shared library for more realistic usage add_executable(nctest tests/test.c) target_link_libraries(nctest ${_NC_PROJ_NAME}) target_include_directories(nctest PRIVATE include) target_include_directories(nctest PRIVATE src) #allow access to internal headers #enable c11 for testing target_compile_features(nctest PRIVATE c_std_11) target_compile_definitions(nctest PRIVATE ${NC_PROJ_DEFINTIONS}) enable_testing() add_test( NAME nctest COMMAND nctest CONFIGURATIONS ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} ) endif() ########################### # # Installing # ########################### #export shared library install(TARGETS ${_NC_PROJ_NAME} EXPORT MyLibraryTargets LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib RUNTIME DESTINATION bin INCLUDES DESTINATION include ) #export static library install(TARGETS ${_NC_PROJ_NAME}_static EXPORT MyLibraryTargets LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib RUNTIME DESTINATION bin INCLUDES DESTINATION include ) install(FILES include/noscrypt.h include/platform.h DESTINATION noscrypt ) # Enable Hot Reload for MSVC compilers if supported. if (POLICY CMP0141) cmake_policy(SET CMP0141 NEW) set(CMAKE_MSVC_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "$,$>,$<$:EditAndContinue>,$<$:ProgramDatabase>>") endif()