path: root/front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue
diff options
authorLibravatar vnugent <public@vaughnnugent.com>2023-07-12 01:28:23 -0400
committerLibravatar vnugent <public@vaughnnugent.com>2023-07-12 01:28:23 -0400
commitf64955c69d91e578e580b409ba31ac4b3477da96 (patch)
tree16f01392ddf1abfea13d7d1ede3bfb0459fe8f0d /front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue b/front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a3f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front-end/src/views/Login/index.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ <div id="login-template" class="app-component-entry">
+ <div class="login-container">
+ <div v-if="showTotp">
+ <Totp @submit="totpSubmit" />
+ </div>
+ <div v-else-if="!loggedIn">
+ <UserPass @login="submitLogin" />
+ </div>
+ <div v-else>
+ <h3>Logout</h3>
+ <p class="mt-3 mb-5 text-lg">
+ You are currently logged-in.
+ </p>
+ <div class="">
+ <button form="user-pass-submit-form" class="btn primary" @click="submitLogout" :disabled="waiting">
+ <!-- Display spinner if waiting, otherwise the sign-in icon -->
+ <fa-icon :class="{'animate-spin':waiting}" :icon="waiting ? 'spinner' : 'sign-in-alt'"/>
+ Log-out
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="!(loggedIn || showTotp)" class="w-full mt-6">
+ <Social />
+ <!-- pki button, forward to the pki route -->
+ <div v-if="pkiEnabled" class="mt-4">
+ <router-link to="/login/pki">
+ <button type="submit" class="btn red social-button" :disabled="waiting">
+ <fa-icon :icon="['fa','certificate']" size="xl" />
+ Login with PKI Credential
+ </button>
+ </router-link>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
+import Totp from './components/Totp.vue'
+import UserPass from './components/UserPass.vue'
+import Social from './components/Social.vue'
+import { apiCall, useMessage, useWait, useUser, useSession, useLastPage, useTitle, debugLog } from '@vnuge/vnlib.browser'
+import { useMfaLogin, totpMfaProcessor, IMfaFlowContinuiation, MfaMethod } from '@vnuge/vnlib.browser/dist/mfa'
+import { useTimeoutFn } from '@vueuse/shared'
+import { isNil } from 'lodash'
+//pki enabled flag from env
+const pkiEnabled = !isNil(import.meta.env.VITE_PKI_ENDPOINT);
+const { waiting } = useWait()
+const { setMessage } = useMessage()
+const { logout } = useUser();
+const { loggedIn } = useSession()
+//Setup mfa login
+const { login } = useMfaLogin([
+ totpMfaProcessor()
+//If logged in re-route to the last page the user
+//was on but delayed to the session has time to be set
+const { gotoLastPage } = useLastPage()
+useTimeoutFn(() => loggedIn.value ? gotoLastPage() : null, 500)
+const mfaUpgrade = ref<IMfaFlowContinuiation>();
+const mfaTimer = ref<{stop:() => void}>();
+const showTotp = computed(() => mfaUpgrade.value?.type === MfaMethod.TOTP)
+const submitLogout = async () => {
+ //Submit logout request
+ await apiCall(async ({ toaster }) => {
+ // Attempt to login
+ await logout()
+ // Push a new toast message
+ toaster.general.success({
+ id: 'logout-success',
+ title: 'Success',
+ text: 'You have been logged out',
+ duration: 5000
+ })
+ })
+const submitLogin = async ({username, password} : { username: string, password:string }) => {
+ // Run login in an apicall wrapper
+ await apiCall(async ({ toaster }) => {
+ // Attempt to login
+ const response = await login(username, password)
+ debugLog('Mfa-login',response)
+ //Try to get response as a flow continuation
+ const mfa = response as IMfaFlowContinuiation
+ // Response is a totp upgrade request
+ if (mfa.type === MfaMethod.TOTP) {
+ //Store the upgrade message
+ mfaUpgrade.value = mfa;
+ // Set timeout to reset the form when totp expires
+ mfaTimer.value = useTimeoutFn(() => {
+ //Clear upgrade message
+ mfaUpgrade.value = undefined;
+ setMessage('Your TOTP request has expired')
+ }, mfa.expires! * 1000)
+ }
+ //If login without mfa was successful
+ else if (response.success) {
+ // Push a new toast message
+ toaster.general.success({
+ title: 'Success',
+ text: 'You have been logged in',
+ })
+ return;
+ }
+ })
+const totpSubmit = ({ code } : {code:number}) =>{
+ apiCall(async ({ toaster }) =>{
+ if (!mfaUpgrade.value)
+ return;
+ //Submit totp code
+ const res = await mfaUpgrade.value.submit({ code })
+ res.getResultOrThrow()
+ //Clear timer
+ mfaTimer.value?.stop()
+ //Clear upgrade message
+ mfaUpgrade.value = undefined;
+ // Push a new toast message
+ toaster.general.success({
+ title: 'Success',
+ text: 'You have been logged in',
+ })
+ })
+<style lang="scss">
+#login-template {
+ .login-container{
+ @apply container max-w-sm w-full sm:mt-2 mt-8 mb-16 mx-auto lg:mt-16 px-6 py-4 flex flex-col;
+ @apply ease-linear duration-150 text-center;
+ @apply rounded-sm sm:bg-white sm:border shadow-sm border-gray-200 sm:dark:bg-dark-800 dark:border-dark-500;
+ }
+ .login-container button{
+ @apply w-full border py-2.5;
+ }
+ button.social-button {
+ @apply flex flex-row justify-center gap-3 items-center;
+ }
+ a {
+ @apply ease-in-out duration-100;
+ @apply hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-500;
+ }